The correct choice of the topic from research topic ideas directly affects the success of writing a paper, as well as the search for the literary sources for in-depth study of the problem raised in the relevant sphere of knowledge.
Interesting topics to research is the path to success
The first thing to consider when choosing a topic for a future research paper is that it should be of interest to you. You can find a topic that arouses at least some interest in you in almost any field. Carefully read the list of topics, trying each one for your interests, and immediately mark those that seem more exciting and promising to you. Later, choose one from the marked topics. If there is no list of topics, look through your notes and textbook, look at the topics you studied and try to determine which one aroused your greatest interest. Based on this, try to formulate your topic.

How to choose a topic for a research paper
So, let’s highlight the criteria that you need to focus on when choosing a topic for a research paper.
- The topic being of interest to you (we have already talked about this).
- Availability of a sufficient number of relevant materials on the topic of work. When choosing a topic, check how widely it is presented in scientific and educational sources, whether there is fresh literature on the topic or everything you find is far from the last century. The lack of relevant materials can significantly slow down the work on the research paper and spoil your mood.
- The relevance of the topic of the research paper. Relevance is what you have to justify in the introduction to the work. Therefore, immediately think: why can this direction be relevant? It is easiest to determine the relevance if the topic is modern and promising.
- The presence of different points of view and approaches to the topic. The research paper will be more interesting if the topic is controversial. Then you will be able to build the work on comparing different points of view on the question and express your opinion – the teacher will appreciate it.
- Possibility of conducting research. Even if the paper is purely theoretical, your research will make it much more interesting. Teachers tend not to like the simple retelling of the obvious. Conversely, any attempt at analysis and research on the topic will be encouraged.
So, why is it so important to correctly determine the topic of the research paper?
- Firstly, if the topic is not indifferent to you, is relevant, and has a sufficient number of sources, it will be interesting for you to write the research paper.
- Secondly, an unsuccessfully chosen topic can turn the work on a research paper into a nightmare. You will constantly delay the moment of writing the paper, and, in the end, nothing good will come of it anyway.
- Thirdly, if the teacher sees that you know the topic well, that you are interested in the work, then this will be credited to you.
- And, fourthly, having followed all the recommendations for choosing a research paper topic, you yourself will see how easy it will be for you to defend it and get a high score as a result.

How not to make a mistake in the search for a research topic?
- Not to delay the choice of a suitable topic is the main rule for the author. If there is a desire to choose from the proposed list of research questions ideas, it is recommended to come to the department among the first students.
- It is not recommended to choose a topic that complicates the object/subject of the research definition. The clarity of the wording simplifies the process of writing a paper.
- When selecting, it is necessary to take into account the reality of the practical part’s implementation.
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Mistakes when choosing college research paper topics
- Abstractness/absence of a specific wording of the topic – “about any and everything.” To achieve the goal, the author is recommended to narrow the focus of the direction under consideration.
- A narrow topic. The main problem is the lack of information sources necessary for a full consideration of the task in the format of a research paper.
- Lack of preliminary analysis of literary sources on the topic of the paper. A common mistake many students make is that, due to the small amount of information, outdated literature is used. Solutions to the problem are the use of materials from young scientists or the timely replacement of the topic.
- Incorrect wording, or an illiterate statement of the purpose/tasks of the work. In this case, it is recommended to seek advice from the teacher or re-do the entire research paper.
List of research topics in journalism
- Ethical aspect of literary editing: the editor’s relationship with the author, text, audience.
- Dynamics of development of American travel journalism.
- Media convergence as a new stage in the development of media. Features of the transformation of journalism.
- Stylistic coloring of language means: types and forms of manifestation.
- Peculiarities of editorial policy. The role of the editor-in-chief in the functioning of the newspaper.
- Analytics in the media. Audience analysis tools.
- Linguistic personality: the content of the concept, manifestation in journalistic activity. Linguistic personality of a journalist.
- Forms of interaction with the audience in the field of radio broadcasting.
- Features of the functioning of the editorial office. The role of the psychological climate in the team.
- Forms of associations in the mass media market. Concentration, monopolization, and diversification in the media.
- Competition in the media market. Features, characteristics, types.
- Legislative regulation of the media: problems and prospects.
- The formation of the longread genre: historiography and the current state.
- Storytelling in journalism. Concretization of the concept, features of the popularization of the genre.
- Editing in modern magazines: functions and features of transformation.
- Problems and prospects for the development of convergent media.
- Features of the functioning of regional convergent media.
- Ontological functions of journalism and its specific historical roles.
- Features of the language and style of Internet media and texts of “citizen journalism.”
- The problem of determining the functional style of modern media. The concepts of “journalistic style,” “functional style of mass communication,” “media language.”
- Fiction style and its place in the system of functional styles. Differences and interactions with media language.
- Peculiarities of coverage of social and cultural problems in regional newspapers.
- Historical prerequisites for the formation of journalism as a system in the context of the information process.
- Reflection of gender issues in the modern media space.
- Language and style features of online publications.
- Student television: characteristics of features and development trend.
- The trend of internationalization in the world theory of journalism: problems and development prospects.
- Globalization and its impact on the development of media.
- Features of creating TV spots. Rules for creating and designing a scenario or types of scenario plans.
- Moral and cultural attitudes of the younger generation and the influence of the media on them.
- The evolution of the censorship regime of the state and its features in the conditions of the modern information market.
- Tools for promoting TV channels through social networks and their effectiveness.
- News TV shows and their features. The role of the author and their position.
- Features of creating the image of a TV presenter. Impact of historical events.
- Journalistic style: concretization of the concept and its main characteristics.
- The influence of online publications on the formation of cultural values.
- Features of reflecting the political situation on American television.
- Freedom of the media in the USA and its implementation in journalistic practice.
- Features of the functioning of slang in modern mass media.
- Reflection of cultural characteristics on regional television.
- Typological characteristics in professional publications.
- Features of presenting information on children’s and youth TV channels.
- Implementation of copyright projects on YouTube: features of functioning.
- Social networks as a tool for promoting popular science publications.
- Information genres in modern radio journalism: problems and development prospects.
- Interaction between the media and libraries as a tool for popularizing book reading.
- Youth information policy in the regions and its reflection in the state media.
- Methodology of investigative journalism in American media.
- Types and functional properties of foreign convergent publications.
Interesting research topics in music
- Ensemble music-making as a form of developing piano training.
- Musical analysis of the “Chemtrails over the country club” album by Lana Del Rey.
- Education of the creative individuality of the conductor.
- Teaching junior schoolchildren to play children’s musical instruments (instrumental music making).
- Implementation of the principle of artistic and technical things in the piano training of students.
- Issues of educating pure intonation among the participants of a folk singing group.
- Basics of jazz improvisation on the electric guitar.
- Rondo of French harpsichordists.
- Expressive properties of tonality.
- Peculiarities of musical development of a child with the use of music and computer technologies.
- Modern teaching methods in the piano class.
- The value of electroacoustic instruments in the development of musical art and education.
- Polyphony in the operatic work of American composers.
- Specific vocal techniques in pop singing.
- Integrated music education for junior schoolchildren in an ungraded rural school.
- Application of the intonation approach in music lessons with children in a secondary school.
- Comparative analysis of two waltzes by Chopin: C-sharp minor, Op. 64, No. 2 and Waltz in B minor, Op. 69 No. 2.
- The problem of protesting in rock music on the example of Bob Dylan’s work.
- Theoretical aspects of patriotic education of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of a children’s brass band.
- Methods of development of musical thinking of students in the lesson.
- Media technologies as a means of developing musical abilities in preschool children.
- Ways to create a virtual music library in the educational process.
- Technology for the formation of professional competence of the future music teacher.
- Methodology for the formation of correct singing breathing in a children’s folklore ensemble.
- Work on the musical and artistic image in vocal and choral works.
- Formation of singing skills in the framework of extracurricular activities at school.
- The development of vocal and choral skills in younger students in music lessons.
- Formation of performing skills of the participants of the vocal-instrumental ensemble in a secondary school.
- Musical education of children of primary school age with developmental disabilities on the traditions of folk music.
- The development of rhythmic hearing in students in music lessons.
- Formation of the basic skills and abilities of sound production at the initial stage of learning to play the piano in music schools.
- Development of the emotional culture of students in the process of learning to play digital musical instruments.
- Formation of the singing apparatus in the vocal class.
Good research topics in ecology
- The influence of the environment on the psychosomatic development of a person.
- The problem of environmental pollution over a number of historical eras.
- Social diseases as a consequence of social phenomena.
- Creation of nuclear power plants and their impact on the development of mankind and the environment.
- The environmental factor in personality development.
- Motor transport and its impact on the ecological situation in urban areas.
- Social ecology of the family.
- The impact of the state of the environment on human health.
- The oil and gas industry and its impact on the environment.
- The logging and woodworking industry and its impact on the environment.
- Human behavior in the disaster area.
- Improving production technology through the reuse of waste.
- Natural disasters in the minds and behavior of people.
- Fundamental concepts of industrial ecology: stability, balance, survivability, safety.
- Human adaptation to natural disasters.
- Main environmental and economic consequences of atmospheric pollution with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
- The cosmic essence of man. Man’s space perspectives.
- Basic requirements for landfills for the disposal of toxic substances and ways to implement them.
- Human behavior in critical and extreme conditions.
- The problem of human interaction and attitude to the surrounding world (in Eastern religions and Christianity).
- Environmental assessment of the efficiency of using sewage sludge as a fertilizer.
- The subject of environmental psychology.
- Small doses of ionizing radiation and their impact on the human body.
- Influence of the urban environment on human behavior.
- Organization of environmental control at enterprises.
- Ecological consciousness and its structure.
- Normative-legal documents on environmental protection.
- The problem of the formation of environmental consciousness among the younger generation.
- Organization of a system for monitoring environmental and technical safety and sanitary conditions of enterprises.
- Patterns of adaptation to environmental conditions.
- The development of civilization and the chain of ecological crises.
- Influence of technogenic factors on the human body.
- International cooperation in the environmental sphere.
- Influence of noise on an organism.
- Main directions of ecological education.
- Types of nations and international relations.
- Restriction of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the conditions of modern security threats.
- The system of guarantees of human rights in the modern world.
- Power: its origin and types.
- Features of the functioning of the institution of education in traditional and modern society.
- Modern approaches to determining the factors of the origin of states.
- Global problems of our time: international terrorism.
- Deviant behavior and its types.
- Modern mass media and their role in shaping the moral image of modern man.
- State and religious associations in the modern world.
- Politics and its influence on the life of modern society.
- Social state and problems of human rights.
- Dialectics: basic laws, concepts of development and progress.
- Political and legal regimes of modern states.
- Social groups and their classification.
- Spiritual culture of the individual and society.
- The right to life and the death penalty: the theoretical aspect of the problem, history, and world practice.
- Social norms and social conflicts.
- The value of technological progress in the life of society.
- The presumption of innocence as the most important principle that ensures the protection of the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen.
- Social roles and stratification.
- Mass culture as a modern social phenomenon.
- Reasons for the aggravation of ethnic problems in modern American society.
- Social factors of youth crime.
- International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
- Progress and regress in the development of modern society.
- Trial by jury as a guarantee of effective protection of the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of the individual.
- The place of the individual in the life of society.
- Trends in the development of value orientations of modern youth.
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